• Muscle Gain
  • Nutrition
  • Fat Loss
  • Lifestyle
August 24, 2017

Adherence is vital and so is recording what you do

How many of you keep track of things? In terms of exercise and nutrition to you track your calories and food intake? Do you write down a structured work out plan or do you make your workout up as you get changed for the gym?

The key here is adherence, adherence works hand in hand with structure! How do you know if your getting stronger if your not recording down the weights your lifting week in/week out. 
How do you know how much weight your losing if you don't record your weight weekly? How can you make calorie adjustments to your diet and nutrition if nothing is recorded down already?

 Be accountable! Make time to write things down and stick to it. You'll find over time you can look back and see where you improved and what changes you need to make where and when.
